Thursday, August 27, 2015

Why do Some People Get More Engagement on Google Plus? - Here's Why......


Two valuable questions about Google+:
  • Why do Some People Get More
Engagement on Google Plus? 

  • Can you boost your online presence 
on Google+ even more?

Answers follow next:

Research shows, that you get:

22x more interaction on a Google+ post 
than a twitter message.

Take look at this movie about 

how your Google+ posts makes 

more interactions possible, 

  1. by getting many more viewes, 
  2. being shared many more times,
  3. being plussed many more times.

Watch it through to the end, where the investigation into
Google+ posts is compared with tweets.


- Here's Why with Mark & Eric

 Excellent job by:  Mark Traphagen & Eric Enge.

Can you boost your online presence 

on Google+ even more?

Oh, Yes you can!

Take this Invitation and find out how easy it is: 
  • Come and post those video's, images and other items here too on Internet Masterclass and earn with those postings too; you can even help other G+ (group) members to draw even (extra) more online attention here. (click here)
  • Boost your Google+ presence even more by adding media gold value to it on Online Social Media Gold. (click here)

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