Thursday, August 27, 2015

Why do Some People Get More Engagement on Google Plus? - Here's Why......


Two valuable questions about Google+:
  • Why do Some People Get More
Engagement on Google Plus? 

  • Can you boost your online presence 
on Google+ even more?

Answers follow next:

Research shows, that you get:

22x more interaction on a Google+ post 
than a twitter message.

Take look at this movie about 

how your Google+ posts makes 

more interactions possible, 

  1. by getting many more viewes, 
  2. being shared many more times,
  3. being plussed many more times.

Watch it through to the end, where the investigation into
Google+ posts is compared with tweets.


- Here's Why with Mark & Eric

 Excellent job by:  Mark Traphagen & Eric Enge.

Can you boost your online presence 

on Google+ even more?

Oh, Yes you can!

Take this Invitation and find out how easy it is: 
  • Come and post those video's, images and other items here too on Internet Masterclass and earn with those postings too; you can even help other G+ (group) members to draw even (extra) more online attention here. (click here)
  • Boost your Google+ presence even more by adding media gold value to it on Online Social Media Gold. (click here)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mayo Clinic may have made a major breakthrough in stopping cancer


The Cancer Cure of the Wealthy 1%...
Now for Everyday human (like Americans are benefiting)
Mayo Clinic may have made a major breakthrough in stopping cancer

Mayo Clinic may have made a major breakthrough in stopping cancer

Mayo Clinic may have made a major breakthrough in stopping cancer. Cancers of the blood, bladder, bone, brain, lungs, and kidneys are some of the examples that Mayo Clinic researchers believe can be stopped, even in late stages.

The clinic, along with an international research team has found a way to stop the progression of late stage cancers, essentially “turning cancer off.”

Dr. Konstantinos Lazaridis, the associate director at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine, says that the new discovery may allow scientists to turn off the genes that prevent the spreading of cancer.

This is a huge step. We have to understand what is behind this process to attack it effectively,” Lazaridis said.

Lazaridis says that a potential treatment depends on a new type of medical research called epigenomics. According to Mayo Clinic’s Individualized Medicine blog,
Epigenomics is the study of the complete set of epigenetic modifications on the genetic material of a cell.”

We may be able to screen people earlier with new methods that can prevent the development of cancer if we know what predisposes them to development disease,” Lazaridis said.

For more information on the experimental treatment.

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Core Values for going online with your business

What does it mean to be successful in business?

This is the best way to portrait success in business:

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't."

Core Values to share

Four Core Values drive everything sucessful entrepreneurs do.
  1. AWARENESS: We believe that we must apply time and energy to understand our partners, customers and clients. We must be aware of their wants, needs and desires. We must seek to see the world as they see the world, through their eyes. Although we might not completely agree with clients and customers we obsess over their businesses and their customers. We’re relentless about being awake and alive for you.
  2. BEST CHOICE: We believe that to succeed over time, and to provide the greatest value to our customers, we must strive to be the #1 choice. We aren’t entitled to succeed; we must earn it day after day. Furthermore, to focus and to gain advantage applying the 80/20 principle, we believe it’s critical to go “all in” or not bother at all.
  3. LONG TERM: We believe that the best choices and best actions are those that provide long term value and generate long term gains. Therefore, we are never willing to sacrifice the long term success of our clients and customers for short term gains. We think in months and years, not minutes and hours. We’re willing to endure short term pain for long term gain. We seek to attract customers who believe the future is always getting better.
  4. FINANCIAL HEALTH: We believe that financial health is essential to every business. Cashflow is like oxygen and without it, businesses choke and die. Therefore, we pay close attention to our own cashflow but also the cashflow of our partners, customers and clients. It’s necessary, it’s a requirement and we help others be cashflow healthy.

Do you want success online with your business?

What dictates success at the moment when going online with your business is stated on the image.

Your chance to dictate your own success online:
It is a gift to become successful online! (Click here)

If you need assistance, all is available by clicking the above link..

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hacking your own life part 1

Hacking your own life part 1

Message Online:
"I am sorry to tell you this like that. To really understand the message, please click on the images and you will be able to understand The Power of Hacking the Potential in Your Own Life, while Being Online."

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Your choice - Online Media Gold or Real Phisical Gold Value - FOR FREE

OMG -Online Media Gold 


 Who told you you can not earn gold for free?

You got two options:

  1. Earn Media Gold (via social media)

  2. Earn Real Value in Physical Gold Value


    Click on the following images and you will be ready to go!

Reed here why GOLD is so relevant in the financial world at this moment: Click here

Saturday, August 8, 2015

How to Cloak Your Affiliate Links the Easy Way

How to Cloak Your Affiliate Links the Easy Way

I used to cloak my links the old-fashioned way, using simple HTML redirects.
The html page would be coded as follows:
<title>YOUR PAGE TITLE</title>
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;url=http://YOUR AFFILIATE URL”>
<p>Redirecting, please wait. If you’re not redirected within a couple of seconds, click here:<br />
The contents of the page would appear like this:
If you are not redirected within a couple of seconds, click here:
Then I moved to using PHP redirects, one page for each affiliate link, such as the following which would would have been linked from
Here is the code used to that page:
header( ‘Location:’ ) ;
Nowadays, I use a much simpler technique that puts all my affiliate links on one php page, i.e. link.php, which resides in the root directory.
$path = array(
‘affiliatelink1′ =>  ‘’,
‘affiliatelink2′ =>  ‘’,
‘affiliatelink3′ =>  ‘’,
if (array_key_exists($_GET[‘id’], $path))
header(‘Location: ‘ .$path[$_GET[‘id’]]);
To make the links work, you must add the following to your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^go/([/_0-9a-zA-Z-]+)$ link.php?id=$1
The links are then called using the following linking format:
Note, you don’t have to create a ‘go’ folder and you may call it anything you like, i.e. recommends, go, links… whatever.
For example, if youed want to use ‘links’ rather than ‘go’, then change^go/ to ^links/
And that’s how to cloak your affiliate links the easy way!
Comments, questions or suggestions? Please leave a comment below!

Affiliate Link Cloaking Tools and Services

Affiliate Link Cloaking Tools and Services

There are a number of different affiliate link cloaking options available; including self-hosted scripts and plugins for WordPress.

On most of my sites, I use a php redirection script to cloak my affiliate links. I also use Pretty Link PRO on my personal blog.
Although there are dozens of options available, I’ve listed only 6 here. These are the most popular link cloakers used by professional affiliates. Check out the list below to see which solution suits you best.

Affiliate Link Cloakers
  1. Pretty Link Pro
    Shorten links using your own domain name. Pretty Link tracks each hit on your URL and provides a full, detailed report of where the hit came from, the browser, o/s and host. You can also track clicks from emails. The professional version is a significant upgrade to Pretty Link Lite that adds many tools and redirection types that will allow you to create pretty links automatically, cloak links, auto-tweet links, replace keywords though-out your blog and much more.
  2. ThirstyAffiliates
    Thirsty Affiliates (free version) lets you administer your affiliate links, assists you with inserting them into your posts, pages and comments and gives you a central location in WordPress to manage all of your affiliate links. They offer a number of add-ons for click tracing, geolocation, importing affiliate links from Amazon and more.
  3. Easy Redirect Script
    Create redirect URLs using your own website domain. One standout feature is the Stealth Page, which forces the redirect URL to display in the browser’s address bar. The program comes complete with stats tracking, SEO options, categories & descriptions, along with tool tips and excellent documentation.
  4. MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate
    Automatically turn keywords in your blog to affiliate links. You can set a limit too, so your posts don’t look like a spam blog!  Create groups of links for easier management. Ninja Affiliate also allows you to display any text you want in your web browser’s status bar and it uses “No-Follow” links.  14-Day trial for $1.
  5. Easy Redirect Script
    Create redirect URLs using your own website domain. One standout feature is the Stealth Page, which forces the redirect URL to display in the browser’s address bar. The program comes complete with stats tracking, SEO options, categories & descriptions, along with tool tips and excellent documentation.
  6. Create redirect URLs using your own website domain. One standout feature is the Stealth Page, which forces the redirect URL to display in the browser’s address bar. The program comes complete with stats tracking, SEO options, categories & descriptions, along with tool tips and excellent documentation.
  7. LinkTrackr
    LinkTrackr is web-based, easy to use, and helps you track your ad campaigns & affiliate links in real-time.
  8. Improvely
    Powerful conversion tracking identifies the source of every signup or sale on your website, whether it’s from a paid marketing campaign or other channels. Improvely shows you what’s working and what’s not. Monitoring systems inspect every click for signs of suspicious activity. Get alerted to potential click fraud instantly.

I hope this list of reasons to cloak your affiliate links has convinced you that doing so is absolutely necessary if you want to avoid commission theft and make more money.
Comments, questions or suggestions? Please leave a comment below.

How to Find The Right Affiliate Offers to Promote for Your Audience

How to Find The Right Affiliate Offers to Promote for Your Audience


With relative ease, affiliate programs can be found on almost every corner of the Internet. But not every affiliate program has been created equally. As an ethical and responsible marketer, you need to be able to source out affiliate offers that are beneficial to both you and your audience.
In this post, we’re going to cover some ways to find and evaluate affiliate offers that not only match your audience but create a win-win scenario for both you and your visitors.


The Importance of Picking a Good Affiliate Offer

Finding good affiliate programs that serve both your readers and your business can present a few challenges. There are a lot of different options to pick from and no affiliate program is ever guaranteed. However, there are a few things you can watch out for and steps you can take to be sure you’re making the right choice.
Affiliate marketing – at least the good kind – is built upon your ability to establish a trusting relationship with your visitors. If you pick an affiliate program that is profitable for you, while short-changing your audience, then the trust you worked so hard to develop will be quickly destroyed.
Balancing your needs with those of your audience makes the process of sourcing high-quality affiliate offers more important than ever.
So how exactly can you go about finding the best affiliate programs, and what separates the good from the bad?


How to Pick an Affiliate Offer

While there are many sources of potential affiliate offers, one of the best things you can do to avoid running into problems is to stick with the larger, well-established affiliate programs.
Some of these may be run in-house by the companies themselves (like Amazon), while some may be offered through a third party affiliate network (like CJ Affiliate). When assessing affiliate offers take the following into consideration:
  • Does the company or affiliate network appear to be stable?
  • Does the company or affiliate network have a history of affiliate payouts?
  • Will you be able to comply with their terms and conditions?
If all the items on this list appear to fit the bill, you’re set. Just remember that you should never place all your eggs in one basket. No affiliate offer is guaranteed to last forever and sometimes finding more than one affiliate program for the same type of product or service is a good idea (although not always possible).

Affiliate Marketing in the Hobby Niche

Moreover, 11% of hobbyists and crafters purchase their supplies online and that number will almost certainly increase.


Affiliate Networks vs Flying Solo

Most (if not all) of the major brands typically use a large affiliate network. This includes retailers like Zulily and manufacturers like Adidas. A few of the more popular affiliate networks include:
Typically, getting set up with an affiliate network involves an application process and sometimes a phone call with an account rep. As affiliate networks act as third parties, they provide advantages to both affiliates and advertisers alike. These advantages include:
  • Access to a large number of affiliate offers. For example, at the time of writing this article, ShareASale showed 3995 affiliate programs in their database.
  • An easy way to consolidate payouts and track a large number of affiliate programs.
  • A way for advertisers to maintain brand integrity. If you break the rules, you can find yourself banned from the entire affiliate network.
Affiliate networks can also make it easier to find appropriate offers for your audience. You’ll discover that with the larger networks, you can search for offers based on categories, keywords, seasons, and more.
Even with the advantages of using an affiliate network, some companies decide to run their own affiliate program. While it’s certainly not common, you should always perform some extra due-diligence when dealing with small or independent affiliate programs. After all, your welfare and reputation are depending on it.
Here are the basic considerations when it comes to picking an ideal affiliate program:
  • Rate the overall quality of each advertiser that you promote. Would you personally buy from them? Have you? How would you rate your experience with either the retailer or the product they are selling?
  • If their product or service is something you’d like to recommend, will they compensate you enough to do so? Don’t just look at the commission rate. You need to look at the big picture including earnings per click (EPC), average order value, average commission, and the tracking gap (the longer your cookie lasts, the better).
  • Consider their order reversal rate. How often do customers cancel their orders? This can also be a great indicator of customer satisfaction.
  • Are there banner ads or display ads (these are also called creatives) available that match the overall look and feel of your website?

How to Know What You Visitors Want to Buy

Actually discovering what your visitors want to buy should, in theory, be an easy process. I’m going to make the assumption that you are actively involved with your website.
Before we jump into finding the actual affiliate offers, let’s think about how to decide which products or services you should be promoting.


Start With Your Home Base

Since you’re actively involved with your site, it usually means that you also have a personal interest in the topic you are promoting. Use that personal interest to your advantage by promoting the products and services you rely on every day.
Also, if you’ve developed an active community either through blog commenting, Facebook, or a forum, listen to what your community is talking about. By discovering the common problems and challenges people are facing, you’ll have an opportunity to create solutions.
Instead of just finding a solution to promote, do some research. Talk to people, gather opinions, test products or services, and try out the competition. That’s how you can provide real value to your audience and earn their trust.


Performing Product Research

Sometimes, finding products and affiliate offers worth promoting comes down to research. That means you’ll need to roll-up your sleeves and do some good old fashioned hard work.



For physical products, one of the best places you can start your search is With just under $90 billion in 2014 sales, Amazon represents as good a source as any when it comes to researching consumer trends. As if you weren’t already aware, Amazon also runs what is probably the biggest independent affiliate network.
With relative ease, you can visit Amazon and within seconds begin searching for products that are appropriate to your audience. If you see Amazon as one of your better choices in terms of affiliate programs, you might also consider third party software called Terapeak. Terapeak  provides a more user-friendly interface and better insight into trends within your target market. It also makes the process of scouring through Amazon much easier.



You can also turn to Google in your search for appropriate affiliate offers. A quick search for “affiliate programs pet insurance” turned up an entire page of results. Same scenario with “affiliate programs BBQ supplies”. With just a little effort, you’ll be able to source a variety of offers for almost any niche.


Company Websites

If your audience relies on your expertise, you probably have several standby products or services that you rely on day in and day out. These companies are a great place to start when you begin your search. Most of the time, you’ll find a simple link in the footer that says something like “affiliates,” “promote XYZ,” or “join us”.



Uncovering the ideal affiliate offers for your target audience will require a little bit of detective work. Most of the time it’s easier to start with the company websites you are familiar with and slowly progress up the food chain until you are searching through the databases of large affiliate networks.
Any time you find an affiliate offer that you think is appropriate, try to find 1-3 others that you can use as a comparison. Line the offers up against one another and figure out which one will work the best for you and your audience.
Remember, the most important thing you can do is to remain true and loyal to your audience. Without them, you’ve got nothing to sell.

Affiliate Marketing in the Hobby Niche

Get Crafty:  

Affiliate Marketing in the Hobby Niche


Did you know that the craft and hobby industry generates nearly $50 billion annually in the U.S. alone?
Or, that 55.8% of U.S. households are actively involved in crafting?

Moreover, 11% of hobbyists and crafters purchase their supplies online and that number will almost certainly increase.

The December 2014 Industry Market Research Report for Fabric, Craft & Sewing Supplies Stores in the US reports that their “industry is slowly rebounding from recessionary lows. Improvement in consumer confidence and an anticipated increase in disposable income has helped industry revenue grow, and an increased interest in do-it-yourself (DIY) fashion has encouraged consumers to purchase more fabric and craft supplies”.

They also anticipate that between 2014 and 2019, “the continued rise in discretionary spending by consumers will promote revenue growth, and the aging baby boomer demographic is also expected to support industry demand.

Professional Bloggers Wanted

In October of 2014, the Craft & Hobby Association added a new blogger membership type to its Industry Professional category. This membership allows professional bloggers to enjoy all of the CHA membership benefit offerings and get free admission to the CHA 2015 MEGA Show, membership in CHA’s Social Media Section, a subscription to Craft Industry Today magazine and discounts on education programs and services.
Andrej Suskavcevic, President and CEO, of the CHA said:
“Professional bloggers are a valuable asset to the craft industry and this is our way of recognizing their contribution and welcoming them.”

Should YOU Blog about Hobbies and Crafts?

According to a 2012 study by the Craft & Hobby Association (CHA), scrapbooking, card making and paper crafting are the most practiced crafts, with 23 million people, or 10% of the U.S. population, participating. This is followed by painting, calligraphy, drawing and print making (21 million, or 9%); cake and food decorating (18.8 million, or 8%); and fabric and sewing crafting (18.7 million, or 8%).

The same study reports that women are more likely to be crafters in all categories, whereas men are more likely to participate in ready-to-decorate wood crafts (38%); sculpture, pottery and glass crafting (37%); and painting, drawing, calligraphy and printmaking (33%).

Here is a list of the 14 different crafting categories:
  1. Scrapbooking/Card Making/Paper Crafting
  2. Jewelry Making
  3. Floral Crafts
  4. Cake and Food Decorating (and Other Food Crafts)
  5. Ready-to-Decorate Wood Crafts
  6. Knitting
  7. Crochet
  8. Cross-Stitch, Embroidery, Needlepoint, Needle Felting, etc.
  9. Fabric/Sewing Crafts
  10. Ready-to-Decorate Fashion Crafts
  11. Painting/Drawing/Calligraphy/Print Making
  12. Sculpture/Pottery/Glass Crafting(Non-Jewelry)
  13. Kid’s Crafts
  14. All Other Crafts (not specifically listed above)
CHA’s Designer Trend Committee annual trend report for 2014, released on February 11, 2015 stated that the following segments of the crafts industry are experiencing increased popularity and growth:
  • Children’s Crafts – tie-dye crafts have re-emerged with the development of less complicated techniques and kits, making the process simple for anyone.
  • Mixed Media – collage continues to grow with the continued popularity of the Gelli Plate, a product that has crossed into every niche of the art and craft market.
  • Paper Crafts – wood veneer cut-outs are rising in popularity and may be seen in many designer collections.
  • Needle Arts – embroidery is at the forefront of needlework trends this year.
  • Jewelry Trends – ear jewelry is a focus right now with ear cuffs, ear jackets, ear crawlers, and faux piercings all making a comeback.


Products to Sell

Here are some ideas for products (and merchants) in the hobby niche that you can sell as an affiliate.
  • MerchantsCJ Affiliate lists 90 merchants in their Art/Photo/Music category and Clickbank lists 119 products under the Home & Garden / Arts & Crafts section.
  • Patterns & Plans – Check out Ted McGrath’s 16,000 woodworking plans offered on Clickbank for an example of a product which sells amazing well… It has a gravity of 111.35.
  • Crafting Supplies – Big brand-name craft suppliers like Jo-Ann, Michael’s and CreateforLess (all available through CJ) are great stores to get ideas for products to sell. Note that commissions for these merchants are 4%, 6% and 7% respectively.
  • Magazine Subscriptions – The NPG Group reported that almost one half of hobbyists purchase or subscribe to craft/hobby related magazines and newsletters. My search for ‘craft magazines’ under ‘Magazine Subscriptions’ resulted in 172 different craft magazines on Amazon.
  • Instructional Guides
  • Club Memberships Model Trains for Beginners (Clickbank) is a monthly subscription which shows an average rebill total of $209.53. Obviously an enthusiastic group of hobbyists with cash to spend! J
  • Video Tutorials – LeisureArts, which is on the Shareasale affiliate network and lists 2,834 products in their datafeed, is a leading publisher of lifestyle and instructional craft publications which include ebooks, digital downloads, DVDs and video publications.

    Anatomy of ShareASale Affiliate Links and How To Set One Up

  • Private Label Rights (to buy or sell) – IDPLR offers 9 different products that reference scrapbooking alone. Other topics include woodworking, sewing, knitting and jewelry… and those are just the topics I searched for.

Has your interest in the hobby and craft niche been piqued? Comments, questions or suggestions?

Please leave a comment below!


Anatomy of ShareASale Affiliate Links

Anatomy of ShareASale Affiliate Links 


and  How To Set One Up

We recruited a new (and very promising) affiliate into a ShareASale-based affiliate program we manage. To help them facilitate conversions we created an exclusive coupon code for them to promote. Once the coupon was uploaded and assigned to them, we emailed them:
We’ve added the code an exclusive ShareASale coupon (visible to you only). You may grab it (a) either by pulling our coupons and deals, or (b) going to ShareASale’s Deals Database (there’s a link in your affiliate menu), and pulling Deal #106301.
The reply that came back was:
I don’t show the link below, please forward to me.
And this is a very understandable comment. After all, they’re new to the network (our program may very well be the only program they’ll promote there), unfamiliar with the interface, and all the corresponding lingo.
Thankfully (both for affiliates, and for affiliate managers), ShareASale’s affiliate links are very simple to both understand and create even without being logged into your ShareASale account. There are basically three variables that go into each tracking link:
  • b= for banner ID (and d= when we’re talking a deal/coupon)
  • m= for merchant ID
  • u= for affiliate/user ID
All of the above a numerical IDs.
Since we know the affiliate’s ID (for the sake of our example, let’s make one up: 987654), and our own merchant ID (let’s suppose it were 12345), and as obvious from the foregoing, the deal ID is 106301, the affiliate tracking link for this guy to use is going to look as follows:
With banners and text links, the sequence of variables changes a bit (see how affiliate ID precedes merchant ID below), and note also the r.cfm being used instead of u.cfm:
Of course, for affiliates it is best to just grab the respective link through ShareASale’s affiliate interface, which makes both creatives, and deals easy to locate:
It does, however, help knowing what goes into each link — to feel comfortable using them, and, as in our above situation, to be able to quickly link to a landing page without even going into your affiliate account.
Additionally, having this knowledge also makes it easier for affiliate managers to add easy-to-cut-and-paste links into their affiliate newsletters. Just replace the number afteru= by !!USERID!! and each individual affiliate will see their own affiliate ID in the newsletter they’ll receive from you.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

How to find the best Google+ Communities Online for Social Media Marketing

How to find The Best Google+ Communities Online  for Social Media Marketing

Home-Based Business Advertising
5.248 leden7.035 posts
Business Consulting
14.944 leden15.178 posts
Everything Money
3.370 leden3.655 posts
Small Business Marketing
17.240 leden19.464 posts
SEO+ - Search Engine Optimization / Website Design
162.122 leden34.667 posts
Entrepreneurs and Network Marketers
3.496 leden4.234 posts
Бизнес в интернете
3.541 leden5.323 posts
Affiliate Marketing
3.173 leden2.999 posts
Блог о заработке в Интернете
4.285 leden8.536 posts
2.670 leden5.174 posts
Affiliate Marketing
3.003 leden3.032 posts
Заработок в интеренте
4.776 leden7.851 posts
3.283 leden5.443 posts
Promote whatever you like! No Restrictions
6.233 leden17.486 posts
Advertising Zone
8.122 leden11.750 posts
бизнес в интернете
1.051 leden2.168 posts
Проекты для заработка - Реклама
9.008 leden19.027 posts
Друзья в Facebook
2.484 leden1.532 posts
Работа в интернете
1.543 leden2.107 posts
Заработок без вложений
3.854 leden6.948 posts
Network Marketing
2.782 leden3.135 posts
Зарабатываем не выходя из дому
2.296 leden4.630 posts
Affiliate Marketing
17.215 leden14.753 posts
make money online
4.558 leden3.790 posts
Entrepreneurs / Self Employed Community
52.249 leden30.636 posts
Make Money In (Make Money Online)
4.572 leden4.397 posts
Affiliate Marketing Job
5.276 leden6.008 posts
Global Network Marketing Community
1.788 leden1.647 posts
29.320 leden3.218 posts
Заработок в интернете
1.843 leden2.890 posts
53.672 leden40.771 posts
Home based Business
7.326 leden8.293 posts
Заработок в интернете
1.148 leden1.816 posts
Forex Trading Technical Analysis & Forecast
9.322 leden10.508 posts
Social Journalism
37.794 leden3.515 posts
Affiliate Marketing
1.752 leden1.598 posts
Как заработать деньги в Интернете.
13.229 leden25.961 posts
МЛМ в Онлайн
1.330 leden3.042 posts
1.920 leden2.864 posts
Google+ Share Tribe
2.897 leden5.197 posts
Заработок в сети-интернет
4.346 leden7.386 posts
Работа и Заработок в интернете
2.581 leden4.721 posts
1.575 leden2.198 posts

Work from home
3.456 leden3.650 posts