Thursday, July 30, 2015

Pizza Recept

Recept Pizza




Hoofdgerecht - 4 personen - bereidingstijd 20-30 minuten
Recept Pizza Altijd gedroomd om zelf thuis de perfecte pizza te bakken? Lees hoe je een lekkere, krokante Italiaanse pizza maakt. De sleutel tot een goede pizza is een goede bodem, een goede tomatensaus, een goede topping en het juist bakken. Er is weinig zo fijn als je, vanaf de basis zelfgemaakte, pizza uit de oven halen wanneer de geur je tegemoet komt en de pizza je toe lijkt te schreeuwen om een hapje te nemen.
Veel recepten beloven een goede pizza, maar halen het in de praktijk niet. De belangrijkste tip om een lekkere pizzabodem te krijgen is het zo heet mogelijk bakken van de pizza (in de traditionele steenovens wordt op een nog veel hogere temperatuur gebakken) en het goed beleggen van de pizza. Lees alles over het maken van een goede pizzabodem en het maken van een lekkere tomatensaus.
Het maken van een goede pizza begint bij het pizzadeeg. Onderstaand recept is voldoende voor 800 gram pizzadeeg, genoeg voor 3 pizza’s voor grote eters of 4 pizza’s voor kleinere eters. Algemene stelregel: hou 250 gram pizzadeeg aan voor een grote eter, 200 gram voor een gemiddelde eter en 150 gram voor een kinderpizza. Voel je vrij om deze getallen aan te passen en onderstaand recept te vermenigvuldigen of delen.
Voor 800 gram pizzadeeg (voor 3 of 4 personen). Je kan er overigens ook voor kiezen een snelle pizzabodem te maken, of een nog snellere variant met een Turks brood als bodem .


Voorbereidingstijd 15 minuten, bereidingstijd 20 minuten, wachten 1-2 uur, voor 4 personen
500 gram bloem
250 ml water (lauwwarm)
25 gram verse gist of 10 gram gedroogde gist
3 eetlepels olijfolie
3 theelepels zout (fijn zout, zonder bergje)
1 theelepel suiker
Wil je een snellere versie maken? Zie dan hier het recept.


Giet voor het pizzadeeg het lauwwarme water in een brede bak of schaal en voeg de gist en suiker toe. Roer goed door, tot de gist egaal verdeeld is. Laat vervolgens een kwartier staan.
Bestuif hem werkblad met wat bloem en maak hierop een bergje van de bloem, of gebruik een grote, brede kom. Meng het zout met de bloem en giet hier het gistmengsel en de olijfolie toe, eventueel in fasen. Kneed het deeg ongeveer 10 minuten tot het een gladde, soepele bal geworden is. Doe de deegbal in een met olijfolie ingevette bak, dek deze af met een vochtige theedoek en zet deze op een warme plek weg, bijvoorbeeld naast de oven of de verwarming, om 1 tot 2 uur te rijzen. Zie voor meer tips en informatie over hoe een goede pizzabodem te maken het artikel hierover.
Verwarm de oven voor op de hoogst mogelijke temperatuur, bijvoorbeeld 250 of 270° C. Hoe warmer de oven, hoe beter het resultaat en hoe korter de pizza gebakken hoeft te worden.

Maak de tomatensaus

Maak een tomatensaus voor pizza, of als je heel weinig tijd hebt, ga voor een snelle versie door de pizza met een dunne laag tomatenpuree te bedekken. Gebruik naar smaak, maar een goede stelregel is ongeveer 80 ml per pizza.

Pizza bedekken

Kneed het deeg, dat nu ongeveer twee keer zo groot gerezen is, nog een keer goed door en verdeel het in de juiste portie per pizza. Rol elke portie uit tot een pizza. In feite geldt: hoe dunner de bodem, hoe lekkerder. Maak de randen iets dikker, zodat de saus er niet afloopt.
Bedek de pizza met een laag tomatensaus en beleg deze met plakken mozzarella (goed uitgelekt), doe hier vervolgens ingrediënten naar smaak op, bijvoorbeeld champignons, salami of olijven en doe hier een laagje vers geraspte kaas op, bijvoorbeeld parmezaan, of oude kaas. Bestrooi de pizza met oregano. Lees hier meer over welke ingrediënten je kan gebruiken voor een lekkere pizza,


Zet de pizza op een ingevette bakplaat of ingevet bakpapier in de midden van de oven en bak 15 minuten bij 250 °C of 12 minuten bij 270 °C. Als je oven nog heter kan is een kortere tijd voldoende. In principe geldt: hoe heter de oven, hoe beter het resultaat. In de echte houtovens hoeven pizza’s vaak maak 1 of 2 minuten gebakken te worden. Deze bereiken dan ook temperaturen van ruim 400 °C.


Hoe krijg je een pizza met de beste smaak? Wees niet te zuinig met kaas en gebruik bij voorkeur kaas met een sterke smaak, bijvoorbeeld parmezaan of oude kaas. Jonge kaas heeft in principe te weinig smaak. Daarnaast is het erg lekker om pizza’s af te maken met wat goede, gedroogde oregano, of eventueel knoflook of basilicum.
Wil je graag meer leren over de Italiaanse, of andere keukens? KruidenThuis biedt een abonnement met daarin de beste gedroogde kruiden en specerijen en gaat elke maand op een speciale keuken in. In die maand ontvang je de gedroogde kruiden en specerijen van die maand thuis, samen met alle recepten en inspiratie die je nodig hebt om deze keuken eigen te maken. Lees verder om meer te weten te komen over ons abonnement.

Tags voor vergelijkbare recepten



De beste kruiden en specerijen in één abonnement? Alle kruiden thuis, het hele jaar door, zonder de deur uit te hoeven.

Simpel en lekker

Zoek tussen alle lekkere, goed geteste en eenvoudig te maken recepten. Dat is koken zonder zakjes of pakjes, maar vol smaak!

Uw eigen Potjes

Genoeg van losse kruiden en verschillende potjes in uw kast? Nu al uw kruiden in één mooie set, afgestemd op uw ab

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why Gold is Key for a Smart Savings Strategy

Why Gold is Key for a Smart Savings Strategy

Why Gold is Key for a Smart.png

So you’ve opened a new BitGold account and are wondering why people from every corner of the planet still want to save, share and engage in trade with this shiny yellow metal? Why did we build BitGold and work so hard to make it accessible to everyone; to own, save and even use in payments? We’d like share our reasons why we believe gold can be useful to anyone’s overall savings, and describe the key differences between having a gold account versus your traditional savings or spending accounts.
  1. It Is Permanently Yours

Over the course of history (6,000 years!) gold has been ultimately chosen by every great human civilization, community, nation and society as the desired currency due to its permanence. When you buy gold, it’s always yours. In fact, you never really own it you’re just looking after it over your own lifetime because it will outlive you, your children and even your descendants thousands of years from now.  
To learn why click here.

To learn more about the science and physics of gold click here.

  1. Gold is just a currency like Dollars, Euros, Yens or Pounds

Most national currencies were linked to or redeemable in Gold until 1971 when "Fiat Money" was re-introduced by the United States and soon thereafter every other country. Since then, gold has gained over 3,000% vs. the US Dollar which is arguably the world’s strongest fiat money. Gold may seem to go up, down or sideways but in reality and when viewed over long-timescales such as the avg. human lifecycle – it always rises. Sometimes, you don’t even have to wait that long as the table below shows Gold’s been rising against 9 of the world’s most famous and well known currencies almost every year since 2000!
all about trust.png

  1. Gold Preserves Purchasing Power
Only gold provides effortless long-term preservation of value. The scientific properties of gold are what make it so special. As humans we have nothing else that has a cost-structure which is linked to our natural human systems (farming, energy, labor, mining) that is also permanent and inexpensive to store (At BitGold, storage is free!) Gold is the only element that allows us to effectively measure the value of food and energy, over long periods of history. That is why it’s future cost will always also be related to the value of food and energy.

  1. Gold is not an Investment like a Stock or Bond, it’s a Store of Value for Long-term Predictable Savings
The biggest mistake people tend to make is comparing the price and performance of gold with investments such as stocks or bonds. Gold should only be compared with currencies because fiat currencies were introduced by governments in 1971 to replace gold. An investment in the stock market or the purchase of a house requires management, oversight and running costs. Investments also carry risk of total loss. For every successful investment such as shares of Google or Apple there are also failed investments such as shares Lehman Brothers or Kodak. Gold doesn’t require any upkeep, it’s just a piece of metal that is very expensive to produce and very cheap to store.

  1. BitGold Offers the Cheapest and Fastest Way to Buy Gold

New innovative technology is changing how commerce and currency can work more efficiently. At the most fundamental level, we are here to help you preserve your wealth. Our success is built on your success. We’ve begun a journey to build a global operating system for Gold that is designed to enable you to save, and pay how, when, and where you prefer. There are no minimums. Start with as little as .01 grams of gold! All you have to do is login to your bitgold account now, click deposit and choose your preferred payment method. You are just one step away from owning some gold and beginning your own savings tradition. BitGold also allows you to easily track the price of gold by visiting our Gold Price Charts or our Live Price Page that helps you understand the unbiased value of gold in 106 currencies. You can even set an alert for a specific gold price in your local currency. When gold reaches that price, you’ll be sent an email.

We’ve begun on an amazing journey together, thank you for your support, trust and belief in our vision to begin something great together with BitGold.

The best time to have bought gold was 50 years ago.

The next best time, is today.

Why Gold?

The BitGold Team

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

10 Speed Hacks That'll Make Google Chrome Blazing Fast on Your Computer


If browsing speed is important to you—and it should be—you'll probably be interested to know that there are ten simple flag modifications you can make in Google Chrome in order to achieve the fastest browsing speed possible.
A few months ago, Dallas covered six ways to speed up the Chrome mobile browser on a Nexus 5, and if they're good enough for his Android phone, they're good enough for our desktops. Below, I'll show you how to enable them, along with a few other speed-increasing tips.


10 Speed Hacks That'll Make Google Chrome Blazing Fast on Your Computer 

Why Gold

Why Gold?

Why Gold.jpg

Why Gold?

As we advance the digital age of global cooperation, individuals and communities increasingly require globally recognizable and reliable mediums for savings and trade. BitGold's mission is to provide global access to gold for secure savings and transactions, making an extraordinary element useful and empowering again.

Technology and progress are essentially a history of experiments with elements, and of experiments in cooperation.

At BitGold we believe that cooperation under a unit of elemental-measurement promotes a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunity, and aligns prosperity within the natural limits of our planet. In an age of rapid change and limited opportunities for secure savings, we contend that elemental gold can empower individuals and foster cooperation.
By reexamining the elemental properties of gold, it becomes clear that gold provides a globally neutral, natural unit of account in relation to all other elements required by humans. The scientific properties of gold in our natural and human systems reconciled independently over thousands of years. We ask you to consider an alternative view of gold's usefulness, one absent the emotive politics of money, fear and greed.

Elements, Oxygen, Time

  • Everything known to exist in the universe, on this planet, and even life itself can be broken down to 92 naturally-occurring elements, the basic building blocks of everything.
  • The elements, or combinations of elements (compounds) most desired by humans become known as natural resources, or natural resource commodities. All industry on planet earth, from farming to manufacturing to technology is based on the consumption of these resources; agricultural, fishing and forestry products, hydrocarbon energy sources, and metals.
  • Oxygen is the third most abundant element and enables life, but also reacts with many of the compounds we require, eventually destroying these resources through cycles. Over time, oxygen causes nearly every commodity to rot, tarnish, rust, or oxidize, establishing an expiration date or finite life for most of the things we consume.

The finite life of most compounds means that we cannot save what we need to survive beyond a limited period of time.

Gold - The Rarest, Immortal Commodity

  • Of the 92 naturally occurring elements, eight are known as the "noble metals". The elemental particles making up these eight elements are organized in a manner that makes them unreactive with air, or "immortal" as pure elements. Put differently, the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and gases that make up our air have no tarnishing effect on these elements through the life cycles of humans.
  • Of the eight noble metals, only four became broadly employed as commodities: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Of the four, gold is the rarest on earth and visually discernible due to its color and purity.
  • In day to day life gold is rarely preferred over other basic elements or immediately necessary commodities. Grains are more useful as food, energy sources for heat and transport, industrial metals for shelter, tools, and to distribute electricity and data.
  • None of these daily commodities last over long periods of time in their most useful form however; they are costly to store, costly to transport, or costly to reconfigure if they can be repurposed.
  • These perishable compounds and commodities do not last throughout the life of an individual either; a younger, physically able person cannot save the essential commodity surpluses for later and less able years.

Therefore, the storage and movement of the basic elements we need requires cooperation, and gold has been an important part of this cooperation throughout history. We'll explain how, but first we need to know a little about its cost and value.

Opportunity cost and gold

  • Because gold is substantially rarer than the elements and compounds we need to survive, producing gold requires humans to forego production of the more immediately necessary or desired elements or resources.
  • As an example of this opportunity cost, humans dig up a ton of average copper-containing rock, and spend all the labor and energy required to break it down, we are able to extract 5,000 grams of copper. For this same effort we would only get 1 gram of gold from a ton of average gold-containing rock.
  • Compared to our food and energy resources, we have to exhaust a lot more of these other resources in order to produce gold, all depending on the relative abundance of elements.

For this reason gold as an element remains cost-proportional to all other basic resources over time, even if all short term values fluctuate depending on local conditions or immediate needs.

Finding value in a unique element

  • Because it requires substantial effort to produce gold, and that we forego alternate uses of near term energy, labor and food to produce it, there must be important uses for it.
  • Relative usefulness is defined by the laws of physics, not subjective economics, and gold's properties and usefulness are significant. Gold doesn't decay or tarnish in our atmosphere, it conducts energy over long periods of time without breaking down, its density and malleability enable very small amounts of gold to be extremely useful in thin layers or small spaces, and its noble metal properties mean that it doesn't react with most other elements, meaning that it's purity, luster and radiance are effortlessly maintained through millennia.
  • These elemental properties define gold's usefulness as a commodity, a commodity whose cost will always remain proportional to the cost of other elements due to the earth's relative endowment.

These are the properties we found most useful during our experiments with the elements, but we learned an even greater use in our experiments with cooperation.

Finding value in an element that transcends time with little cost or effort

  • Cooperation and sharing enable us to produce more for everyone than we could ever achieve individually. Over time this cooperation is essential, otherwise young and old would have no way to survive; there is no way to produce for yourself when young, and no way store essential commodities for an old age. This is the basis of the formation of community.
  • The development of cooperation and trust requires a system of accounting for each community's production. It is wasteful, if not impossible, to bring all perishable goods to one place at one time for trade, and with no ability to redistribute or save a surplus.
  • The function of community through sharing therefore requires one of two systems: 1- a complex system of remembering debts and favors, or 2- (preferably) a lasting-intermediate commodity that can be exchanged over and over with very little cost, to be possessed in the interim of exchanges of the essential, immediately useful, but quickly decaying commodities.
  • Over thousands of years of experiments, civilizations consistently resolved that gold was the most useful element to possess and trade as an accepted form of value.
  • Gold's elemental properties afford this usefulness, as gold only needs to be produced once but is extremely efficient over time, it can be exchanged perpetually with very little cost compared to the cooperative value it brings.

Gold was first a natural resource desired for its elemental properties and usefulness, but one that eventually achieved the more important role of enabling widespread cooperation.

Gold is an elemental unit of account and elemental store of value; in the past, present and future

  • Gold's value as an elemental unit of account and store of value is both scientific and natural, as opposed to economic.
  • Interestingly, gold's ascension occurred before civilizations had the advanced scientific knowledge of its elemental properties. Humans productively optimized their experiments in cooperation by using gold as the basis for measuring value.
  • While systems of money and debt come and go, gold will always remain an extraordinary element
  • Gold's relationship to other natural resources is bound by the limits of our shared planet. All industry originates in natural systems, and any cooperative economic system should hold a unit of account anchored in these natural systems. Gold provides a pure, elemental measurement.
As we advance the digital age of global cooperation, individuals and communities will increasingly require globally relevant, globally accepted intermediate-commodities for savings and trade.
At BitGold, we advance cooperation among diverse communities by providing global access to gold; easily acquired, securely stored, global payments.



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