Monday, December 14, 2015

Generate More Referrals To Build Your "Get Paid Social Income"

How To Generate
More  Referrals To Build Your
"Get Paid Social Income"

Successful people never loose their sense of humor

Let Me Show You How I Get Referrals And How You Can Do The Same To Boost Your
"Get Paid Social" Income.

1 - Start learning the basics:
Check how to generate more referrals by clicking on this link

2 - Become part of a community of people earning online. 
Start earning with GetPaid.Social, by clicking on the nest image.

A lot of us 'settle' in life instead of waiting and working for a life we truly deserve.
For anything you are trying to make a decision on, whether it be a relationship, a job, a new house, or even a new item of clothing, ask yourself 'Is this my first choice or am I settling for second best?'

3 - Learning how to solve the crisis by yourself following the right instructions given by a mentor.

If you really are ready to go big, then you need to read the following blog by clicking on this link.

Monday, November 23, 2015

We have officially reached 500,000 users on the BitGold platform with also the GoldMoney Prepaid MasterCard™

BitGold Logo
When BitGold first sought to bring access to gold for stable savings and payments to the world,
people thought we were crazy. Most people thought it was a great idea in theory,
but few believed the pieces of the puzzle could come together to create one frictionless user-friendly platform.  

Years of hard work, strategic partnerships, and incredible investors enabled us to launch BitGold,
on May 4th 2015 and to the US on June 26, 2015.

The past few weeks have been incredibly busy as we’ve launched our recurring savings ‘Gold that Grows’ and payment tools, our Prepaid Card Program, a powerful Mobile App, and Vault to Vault transfers. We are also very excited for the next couple of months as we will be rolling out more features, functionalities, and tools to further empower our users. Keep an eye out for 'BitGold Business' tools in the coming weeks.

BitGold Mobile App

We are excited to share with you all that, as at today, and just a few short months after launch,
we have officially reached 500,000 users on the BitGold platform.

Helping 500,000 people all over the world reclaim their purchasing power with secure gold savings and instant payments is just the beginning. We have a long way to go to realize our vision in building economic opportunities across every region, generation, class, and demographic.

What’s New?
  • Two-Factor Authentication for increased security.
  • View the live price of gold in 106 global currencies without needing to login to your account.
  • Use your phone’s camera to capture a payment card for easier credit or debit card deposits and payments.
  • Easily view your current Golden Heart Quality Score and invite more friends through social media to earn free gold on the go.
  • Set recurring deposits or payments benefiting from our “Gold that Grows” program or to ensure you make on-time payments to loved ones and merchants.1
  • An improved QR Code function allowing for more effective physical transactions.
  • Ability to request the GoldMoney® Prepaid MasterCard® in USD, EUR, or GBP currencies.
We are excited to announce that the GoldMoney Prepaid MasterCard™ program is now available to BitGold users, connected to your BitGold Account. The world’s oldest asset class and the century’s best performing currency is available conveniently in your pocket, accepted at over 35 million merchants worldwide, and available for cash withdrawal from any traditional ATM displaying the MasterCard, Maestro, or Cirrus logo.

Your GoldMoney Prepaid MasterCard is free to request and available to any user with 1 gram or more of settled gold in their BitGold account.

Gold for Global Commerce

Access your wealth in three convenient currencies for one low rate of 1%. No longer expose yourself to high foreign exchange fees when you travel throughout the USA, Europe or the United Kingdom. The card is also great for shopping online around the world wherever MasterCardTM is accepted.

We do not charge monthly card fees or interest payments and the loading and re-loading fee remains the standard 1% of spot redemption fee.

We would like to thank all our amazing users and first adopters for making BitGold one of the fastest growing financial services in history.
The BitGold Team

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Think about this, when you are starting out online with a website:

Think about this
when you are starting out online with a website
  1. Driving traffic is one of the biggest challenges that Internet marketers face;
  2. After all, there is not much point in having a web-site, if people can’t find it or go to it!

The problem though that many people have when they first start out, is that there are so many different traffic strategies to choose from:

  • -Getting your website ranked in Google, the SEO (Search Engine  .Optimisation) route
  • -Joint-venture traffic, getting other people to promote your.products
  • -Paid traffic (usually through PPC)]

And its not always obvious what the best strategy is……..

Search Engine Optimization “SEO”?

Personally I’ve never been a big fan of search engine optimization;
Aand when I first started out, I spent a whole year trying to get a bunch of my websites ranked in Google.

Error a lot of people make, me too:
  • I had a small amount of success, but basically it didn’t work;
  • AND it was very time consuming. 
  • I seemed to be spending all my time trying to learn Google’s algorithm;
  • When really, I should have been focusing my time learning how sell affiliate marketing products.

The thing about SEO is, that it constantly changes;
So what works today might not work tomorrow and, as we know, Google continuously changes its algorithm.

Interesting Revelation on SEO
  • Now the interesting thing is, whenever I go to mastermind meetings, and speak to other high-end Internet marketers.
  • A lot of them fell into the same trap when they first started out.
  • Oh yes and guess what, none of them are now using SEO to get traffic to their affiliate offers and sales pages….

Joint-venture traffic

This is a tactic that a lot of Internet marketers use when launching products.
  • Basically you form a small network of friends, who all have email lists and you have an agreement that you all promote each other’s products.
  • This can be a very powerful strategy and get your products exposed to a lot of people very quickly.
  • However it’s a strategy that I never really liked much. I don’t like being in a position where I’m committed to promoting someone else’s product especially when I’ve not even seen it.

And I think its never a good idea to rely on traffic that is generated by other people.

Paid traffic PPC

Paid traffic can be expensive, hard to learn and quite frankly scary.
However when I mastered PPC, that’s when the serious bucks started rolling in.

The Postive about PPC
  • The thing I like about paid traffic is that you are not relying on other people to promote your product, or hoping that Google won’t change its algorithm etc.
  • The thing I love about PPC is when you get it right you can spend say $100 dollars on an advert and make two or $300 back.
  • The thing about paid advertising is that it is instant traffic, I can put an ad up now and be getting traffic within 20 minutes.

Login screen iconarrowdown
Concluding on the lesson of Traffic Generation
I realise that paid traffic may appear to be an advance subject but really it’s the holy grail of Internet marketing.

Opp Seekers provides you the following:

» Fresh leads / not over sold - If it's over sold, it's as good as old. Our leads are fresh, thus retaining greater marketing potency and bringing you better conversion rates for your dollar. 

» Interested prospects to email or phone - Great prospects to contact now! 

» Less expensive then 99% of our competitors - When you compare us to other companies on price, you'll realize there is no comparison. 

» FREE Training on how to work the leads you've purchased - Maximize your results with some high-impact training... on us! It's a value added benefit OppSeekers provides to boost your results. 

» FREE to join Affiliate program that pays up to 55% of each order! - You may choose to get paid in cash or leads by sharing what we offer with others. 

Using Opp Seekers Leads, your business can turn into a 

If you’d like to learn more about paid traffic, I highly recommend this FREE course as a starting point:

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Earn online by just being creative - Sharing what you love online .

Earn online by just being creative 

It is the Gear Bubble time in the World Wide Economy 

 The Global Gear Bubble

Most interesting way to make your creativity earn you some huge income.

How creative are you?
How good are you at understanding what people do want to share with others?
How eager are you to develop a new trend of sharing some love with creative gears?

Welcome To Gear Bubble:

Get On To the Globle Gear Bubble (HD)

Learn and earn with Gears (click here)
Watch the Easy to learn video:

Earn with Your Creativity Love and Gear Bubble + FREE Training (HD)

Some nice music:

How to Make Money with Multimedia Social Media Network Club

How to Make Money with 
Multimedia Social Media Network Club?
Most people are made to believe, what the next image is saying:

 Whatch the next video and understand what is really possible.

Welcome (English): 

What is the basic golden secret?
Getting bonusses just adding friends who are sharing on social media:

 Become a member: Click here 

Earning on Multimedia Social Media Network Club is building a sucess story step by step.

Success-System Video (ENGLISH)

Monday, September 7, 2015

3 Strange Steps to Explosive Results Google+

Want to get better results spending less time on Google+?
Start using the 3 steps today!

1)  Be a person
Its very rare that i watch a video from Google+ and get 100% engaged in it…
Sorry – Your “Amazing Products” and “Unbelievable Compensation Plan” bore me…
Even if I “Don’t have to sell or recruit anyone!”
But yesterday – I watched a video of a guy “pitching” his business…
Here was his pitch – An intro that said “I am starting an online business, here’s why:”
Then played a song in the background and showed pictures of him, his wife, his 2 kids and talked about himself, his family and the vision he had.
This guy is on the right track!
Once he adds some Value into his videos as well, Good Stuff!

2)  Don’t be an advertisement
Who here is a TV Remote Control Hog?  It’s Okay to Admit it!!
Who has that family member who flips the Station Constantly?
And what do you do when you are flipping through channels?
Do you stop to watch the commercials?
Then change the channel when a show comes on?
 No!!  You watch the show, then channel surf during commercials!
 Well look at what you are posting on Google+

Does it look like is?
Explosive Growth on Google+

 Is is just a commercial?
If so, people are just going to scan right past it.

3) Provide Value
People Join Leaders.
So what do you do if your brand new and have no results?
Being a leader does not mean you need a 6 figure income.
Leaders are Action Takers.
Learn how to do something – Get Traffic, Build an Email List, how to Blog.
Then teach others what you learned.
People are attracted to things that entertain and teach them something new.
What content would you Like and Share?
Check out my page – Full of Value!
And then the times I do Pitch – People are ready to listen – And to Buy!!
Why?  Because I have given them so much value. And they know I know what I am talking about!

If you are sick of struggling to recruit anyone into your business
Watch the FREE PRESENTATION Below – Learn the system you can put into action TODAY to start Making Money.

Comment – Like – Share

Daniel Jay

Do you know what that is?
When someone actually contributes a video or post full of content..
And someone decides to SPAM their affiliate link in the comments!
Not a good marketing strategy…

How to Make Sure Your Site Delivers a Fantastic First Impression

How to Make Sure Your Site Delivers a Fantastic First Impression


One of my favorite definitions of marketing is very simple: 

Everything you communicate to a customer or a potential customer.

So sure, it's about your content -- about what you say. 

But it's also about what you *do* -- like how you resolve customer complaints, and the quality of the work you do.

Part of all communication is non-verbal, and how your site *looks* says a lot about you. 

Your site design can pull your visitors in ... or chase them away screaming.

Click the link below to get the complete lesson:

 Quick — click over to your website or blog right now.

Now, scrunch up your eyes and try to assess the design — independent of any of the written, video, or audio content that might be there.
Are you able, even for a moment, to take an objective look at what your site is communicating non-verbally?
  • Does the design look like it was created by a design professional, or an enthusiastic (but maybe not too talented) amateur?
  • Is it instantly apparent where the reader’s eye should go first?
  • Is the text easy to read, or does the reader need to squint?
  • Does the site give the confidence that you can solve your customer’s problems?
  • If you were a stranger here, would you trust this business to be competent, capable, and trustworthy?
It may be difficult for you to be objective — we tend to get sentimental about our sites and quit seeing their design imperfections.
But your website’s design says a lot. A professional design immediately gives the reader confidence that equal care has been put into the content. An ugly or amateurish design, on the other hand, triggers the reader to look for flaws and sloppiness in the business as well.
It’s not fair, but it’s how it works. Your site is judged instantly based on how it looks.
Fortunately, an extreme makeover for your website is a lot easier than it is for a person. Let’s look at some common business-damaging design mistakes and how you can quickly make them better.

Is your text readable?

Text that’s hard to read will suppress your conversion, social shares, traffic, and success. Here are some important improvements you can make to your site readability:
  • If you’re using white text on a dark background, don’t do anything else with your site before fixing that. It makes for a miserable reading experience, and it will cut down dramatically on the links and shares you receive.
  • Your text should feel like black text on a white background, even if the colors are actually very dark gray with very light gray.
  • If you’re using one of those fancy textured backgrounds that’s taking forever to load — replace it. Site speed is an essential element of reader-friendly design.
  • Bump your font size up. How big will depend on the typeface you choose, but 14 pt is a good starting point.
  • Speaking of typeface (what most of us call font), choose readability before anything else. No matter how much you love the look of that fancy, hard-to-read font, replace it.
  • Don’t use 20 different typefaces all over your site. Choose one for your headers/subheaders and one for your body text.
  • Links should be underlined. Designers love to play with more attractive ways of indicating links — sadly, none of them is as clear to the reader as underlined text is.
  • When you’re writing content, break it up into fairly short paragraphs.
  • Avoid very wide or very narrow columns for your text: both are hard to read. Columns that are 450-550 pixels wide tend to work well (here’s an article explaining why).
Content that’s formatted to be reader-friendly is content that will get shared more freely.
For more thoughts on reader-friendly formatting, check out Pamela Wilson’s post on Copyblogger: 8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content

Does your reader know where to look?

Seth Godin wrote a nice book called The Big Red Fez all about one of the most important elements of website design.
Godin’s “big red fez” is the one element on your page that stands out. That lets the reader know, without question, what you want her to do next. And there should be a big red fez on every page of your website.
For most content-supported businesses, building an email list is the most important objective of most public-facing content. That means there must be a highly visible, unambiguous call to action to join your email list on most if not all pages on your site.
You may decide that different pages have different goals. For example, some will function as landing pages that sell a product or motivate some action.
But the principle is the same. Every individual page on the site must communicate precisely what the reader should do next.
Incidentally, this means you need to clean the clutter off of your site. Have you implemented irrelevant ads that bring in only a few dollars a month? Get rid of them. They’re distracting your readers about what they should do next, instead of focusing them on your business goals.
If you don’t have a product yet and you’re still in “trying to pay your hosting bill” mode, write a decent ebook and sell it via your email list. You’ll make more money selling something of your own than you ever will with advertising.

Is your design professional?

This is the one that gets very hard to be objective about.
If you designed your site yourself and you aren’t a design professional — it probably looks bad.
I know that’s hard to hear! But someone’s got to be straight with you. If it makes you feel better, my own first sites were pretty hideous too — though I didn’t see it at the time.
Yes, there are some designer “tricks” you can learn to make things better. But the plain fact is, design professionals spend years developing their ability to create polished, professional-looking design that serves a business purpose.
Instead of trying to reproduce those skills in an afternoon, start with something created by a solid design pro. Then, if you really want to, tweak that, either yourself or by contracting with a design professional of your own.
The Genesis child themes are designed to let you choose from dozens of professionally designed, flexible, beautiful designs for your site. (And as a bonus, you get all of the SEO and security benefits of the industry-leading Genesis framework “behind the scenes,” making your site work better as well as look better.)
You can have a great-looking site running for under $100, and if you decide to bring someone in to make a few customizations, they’ll be working from a solid framework. You’ll save money, time, frustration, and your site will always reflect well on your business.
The look and feel of your site will communicate your professionalism and expertise. And that’s a priceless improvement to your content’s effectiveness.
Sonia Simone
Sonia Simone, CMO and co-founder of Copyblogger Media

Earlier posts in the series

  1. Headline Essentials: The Fastest Way to Get More Traffic
  2. The 3 Essential Elements of High-Quality Content
  3. How to Be the Master of Your Own Fate Online
  4. What Content Will Really Do for Your Business


Sunday, September 6, 2015

These Guys knows alot about SEO and Traffic.

 If you need quality visitors to your website(s) or

referral link(s) you should definitely check out 

the offer:

I have tried many different traffic sources to get my affiliate offers, my capture pages and Network Opportunity sites seen by Real Targeted Visitors and Prospects
A few days ago I received an email from a guy that created a popular program a joined along with a few other programs he created. 

These Guys knows alot about SEO and Traffic. 

Well he sent me an email telling me about a new Online Traffic Source that a Set it and Forget it System that will have my site getting traffic from all kinds of Places. 
I was yeah right and Then I looked at the price. I said to my self ..Why Not!  

So I clicked the Purchase Button and entered my Name email and My URL that was it. The site stated I would start receiving visitors to my site within 24 -48 Hours. 
Lo and behold 24 hours or so later I checked my tracker URL and there it was TRAFFIC and Guess what the Next Day Traffic  From Twitter and Tumblr started coming in and the next Traffic from Reddit along  a Classified Site. 

The Traffic is really Coming From All These Different Sources stated on The Site and It Changes Constantly I cant wait for traffic to start coming from Facebook and Linked In and Places Like That.

I am in Awe This is Working and doing exactly what it says on the Site I have received quite a few optins via my Capture Page and It only just started. 

If you're looking for a good and cheap way to

promote your business, take a look at this site:

I don't have to Tell you I ordered and will continue ordering online traffic services for my other important Money Making URLS

These clicks come from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Yahoo, Bing, Craigslist, Backpage... 

They have a huge marketing system and they will send visitors to your website from different sources like Social Media Sites, Bookmark Sites, Forums, Search Engines, etc... 

You can add your website link to their system for $19.95 one time.

Each additional link that you add will cost you only $9.95 (one time).

Your link will not expire and you will never have to pay again for their service.

You will not receive thousands of visitors daily but after a month I am now getting 30 to 40 clicks from quality sites every day

And that's automated advertising without even lifting a finger.

Take a look at my screenshot. At 10 o'clock in the morning I already had 19 clicks to my link.

Online Traffic Ninja

3 Strange Steps to Explosive Results Google+ - PART ONE

Want to get better results spending less time on Google+?
Start using the 3 steps today!

1)  Be a person
Its very rare that i watch a video from Google+ and get 100% engaged in it…
Sorry – Your “Amazing Products” and “Unbelievable Compensation Plan” bore me…
Even if I “Don’t have to sell or recruit anyone!”
But yesterday – I watched a video of a guy “pitching” his business…
Here was his pitch – An intro that said “I am starting an online business, here’s why:”
Then played a song in the background and showed pictures of him, his wife, his 2 kids and talked about himself, his family and the vision he had.
This guy is on the right track!
Once he adds some Value into his videos as well, Good Stuff!

2)  Don’t be an advertisement
Who here is a TV Remote Control Hog?  It’s Okay to Admit it!!
Who has that family member who flips the Station Constantly?
And what do you do when you are flipping through channels?
Do you stop to watch the commercials?
Then change the channel when a show comes on?
 No!!  You watch the show, then channel surf during commercials!
 Well look at what you are posting on Google+

Does it look like is?
Explosive Growth on Google+

 Is is just a commercial?
If so, people are just going to scan right past it.

3) Provide Value
People Join Leaders.
So what do you do if your brand new and have no results?
Being a leader does not mean you need a 6 figure income.
Leaders are Action Takers.
Learn how to do something – Get Traffic, Build an Email List, how to Blog.
Then teach others what you learned.
People are attracted to things that entertain and teach them something new.
What content would you Like and Share?
Check out my page – Full of Value!
And then the times I do Pitch – People are ready to listen – And to Buy!!
Why?  Because I have given them so much value. And they know I know what I am talking about!

If you are sick of struggling to recruit anyone into your business
Watch the FREE PRESENTATION Below – Learn the system you can put into action TODAY to start Making Money.

Comment – Like – Share

From D. J.

Do you know what that is?
When someone actually contributes a video or post full of content..
And someone decides to SPAM their affiliate link in the comments!
Not a good marketing strategy…

Being Social Can Earn you Financial Value in Great Ways:

Start Learning
Bonus 1
Bonus 2

Business Ideas for fast and easy earnings

Work With Us ?


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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Baby boomers are "trend makers" with a lot of experience.

Forbes, MLM, Network Marketing 

The MLM Industry Is Poised For Explosive Growth Inc., ( a leading Internet media company, is among the most trusted resources for the world's business and investment leaders.

In an recent article with the heading: 
"Would You Join A Multi-Level Marketing Company For Retirement Income?

It all sounds good on paper, yet there is a seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not, so I dug in and got the real scoop.  
As a result, I believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to current retirement savings crisis.

Wat can a Baby Boomer Actually do?
Take this Invitation and find out how easy it is for a Baby Boomer to start earning online
  • Come and post those video's, images and other items here too on Internet Masterclass and earn with those postings too; you can even help other G+ (group) members to draw even (extra) more online attention here.
    (click here)
  • Boost your Google+ presence even more by adding media gold value to it on Online Social Media Gold.
    (click here)

 "Half of all baby boomers (76 million in USA) are interested in starting a business and the makings of a massive trend are in place."

Forbes author Robert Laura is very positive about the Network Marketing Industry:

At some point in your life you’ve been pitched a multi-level marketing (MLM), direct selling, or network marketing business opportunity.  While the pitch varies from company to company, it basically promises a chance to ditch your 9-5 work schedule, be your own boss, and make lots of money while making new friends in the process.

It all sounds good on paper, yet there is a seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not, so I dug in and got the real scoop.  As a result, I believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to America’s current retirement savings crisis.

Initially, that may sound like a bold statement, but it’s not if you understand retirement the way I do.  The reality is, making a successful transition into retirement has more to do with psychology than with money… and the same may hold true for multi-level and network marketing.

Don’t get me wrong, money has a role in retirement, but it’s not the primary one every one gives it.  Combine that concept with eye-opening statistics like AARP’s estimate that half of all baby boomers (76 million) are interested in starting a business and the makings of a massive trend are in place.

As far as the retirement saving crisis is concerned, more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that they probably aren’t going to be able to save enough money to just sit around and slowly deplete their nest egg from age 62 to 100.  With the average 50 year-old estimated to have less than $50,000 in retirement savings, there is an obvious need to find alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement.  Moving beyond just the dollars and cents, boomers are growing tired of feeling guilty or bad about their past savings habits and are interested in moving towards possible solutions.

Another growing reality that could benefit MLM and related businesses is the increasing number of baby boomers who are disenchanted with their current careers.  They’re worn-out from years of the corporate grind and don’t feel the connection between their job and the people it impacts outside their office walls or company grounds.  They’re shifting their focus from accumulating a giant nest egg to a desire to be part of something bigger and better… to have a positive effect on others… and working in retirement.  Facets of life that can be fulfilled with specific types of products and service available through some MLM or Direct selling opportunities.

MLM and direct selling programs also offer very low barriers into entrepreneurship, often providing training, support, and ample encouragement along the way.  As retirees begin to realize they need activities that keep them busy, relevant, in good health, and connected to others, the time, energy and cost to participate in these kinds of companies make them very appealing to large segments of the population caught up in these dynamics.

This is not a ringing endorsement for the entire industry.  Like any investment of time, money, and energy, people need to be aware of what they are getting into and do their homework.  That’s the primary reasons I began researching the topic by reaching out to regular everyday people involved in these types of businesses and who were willing to skip the hype and offer a transparent view of the programs and give their opinions as to whether this can be a realistic source of retirement income.

I initially spoke to a retired friend who said she joined a health and beauty direct selling company as a means of meeting new people. She had recently remarried and moved to a new location, so she combined the practice of meeting new people with making extra money.  After almost a decade in the business, she’s built a small niche business with family and friends despite switching to from one company to another competitor after three years.

She admits she doesn’t attend all of the company’s local meetings and goal-setting sessions because she’s not interested in becoming a top producer.  She just likes to use the business activity to keep busy (particularly in the winter) and use the extra money she earns to travel and spoil the grand kids.

Having studied the psychology and behavior of boomers, this example represents a major shift in my thinking about the industry.  I no longer perceive these types of opportunities as money-making pyramid schemes.  Instead, I now see it as a way to enhance many of the personal aspects of retirement that are rarely discussed let alone planned for, with the added benefit of supplementing other popular retirement income sources such as pension and social security.

Daria M. Brezinski Ph.D, a practicing psychologist and former marketing director for a multi-level marketing magazine, echoes these sentiments.  “Many people don’t realize that multi-level marketing companies are successful because they help people satisfy a number of important human needs, including feeling significant, having connections, learning something new, and making a difference.  I have heard people in network marketing say again and again, ‘I’m doing this because I’m meeting amazing people … making so many connections … and I feel so good about myself.’”

Dr. Brezinski’s point is well taken and easy to see practiced by popular network marketing companies.  Many MLM and NM companies tout a three-to-five year plan to attain freedom and wealth, yet many of the people running company meetings have been in the business for five or ten years and still haven’t left their full-time job or landed on easy street.  “As it turns out,” Dr. Brezinski notes, “when other human needs are being met, the members and consultants don’t focus solely on the financial aspects.”

Continuing my interviews, I challenged three others who are in the business to be straightforward, and prove to me that the process really works.  What I found was good, consistent business advice applicable to any new business.

Lorene Hochstetler, from Ohio, recommends keeping your current job while slowly making the transition into MLM.  She’s been able to replace her full-time income but explains, “It didn’t happen overnight, and I still work every day.  I am very disciplined with my business and wake up every day knowing what I have to do in order to succeed at this.  You have to treat it like a business and be willing to follow advice from others who have made it.”